The Garden Frog Gal

Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!

What Dreamstarter is all about and why it is so important to me

Dreamstarter is my way to create a way to raise money to continue to create and live my life my way. To be more accurate, and blunt, to earn a living doing what I love-creating, inspiring, and gardening without the rules.

The membership, which is a part of the Dreamstarter idea, is to give something in return for asking up front to help me pursue my dream of sharing what I know about gardening, DIY, and anything and everything about life really. I have had this dream brewing for over 10 years now when I first started the garden frog posting videos on Facebook and YouTube. I will not change who I am or what I do for anyone. I will not do fancy videos or give you any advice or recommendations unless I have done it, used it, or even ate it.

In the future, after things can be done right (hire a website guru), I will be able to set up the Gold Mine Rubble section of the Boutique for all the beautiful gemstones, agates, chalcedony, gold, fool’s gold, mica, amethyst, and all colors of quartz I find while walking the 22 acres I get to call home. My hands are the only human to ever touch these rocks that are literally from the gold mines here in Mineral Virginia 220 years ago! I want to create one of a kind jewelry and accessory pieces and even packages of tumbled gemstones, quartz, and rocks for aquariums, ponds, fountains.

This whole idea of my Dreamstarter membership is to allow me to get this dream going sharing my experiences gardening, DIYing, and Living WITHOUT ADS, SPONSORSHIPS, OR ANY OUTSIDE INFLUENCE and most importantly not just asking for money but offering something in return. My life has always been about dreaming and creating solutions for problems. I’ve been growing plants and collecting rocks for most of my 57 years and…

I just want to live life being me- Renee. The most unique, eccentric, rock loving, plant whisperer, and all around fixer of everything (sometimes not right HaHa). Mother Nature and taking care of this Earth. Believing in Source, God, Universe, whatever it is to you that is the creator of all things on this Earth. My life is hard but I would not change a thing. I have finally learned to just be me…

Plus I hired my daughter in law Liz to be my assistant without pay for the last 6 weeks. She is working with me on FAITH that I can make this happen. My son and daughter in law are living at Ft. Campbell KY and need a reliable and safe vehicle and air conditioning in their base housing. This dream is not just about me- I want to leave my sons (and partners) plus if I ever have grandchildren, and anyone else who may visit my piece of heaven here near Lake Anna Virginia, the beautiful treasure I call home to be preserved forever for future generations to hunt gold mine rubble, walk the woods and listen to the wildlife, and be able to breathe fresh air and eat right off the plant.

Have an amazingly beautiful day my garden friends. Thank you for following me on my journey and helping me live my dreams…

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