Hello my garden friends! These are from 2016 before I dug up my garden to navigate an amicable divorce, moving out of suburbs to a piece of crap camper, through a bad relationship, healing, and now living my life. Living my life in my unfinished tiny home on 22 acres in Virginia, zone 7a which my son purchased in 2019.

The pictures here showcase my love of gardening and my special fondness for shade gardens. The textures and colors of the leaves when you plant hostas, ferns, and any other shade loving plant makes the shade come alive. You do not always need flowers to create drama.
There are no rules for design. Let nature guide you to create your beautiful garden spot. I hope that my pictures inspire you to plant where the shovel can penetrate, where you can reach to water, and watch your garden grow.
Have an amazingly beautiful day my garden friends.
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